The Iranian Coup that Led to 67 Years of Reckless Intervention ReasonTV 4:18 4 years ago 66 894 Далее Скачать
U.S. and Them Operation Ajax - Iran and the CIA coup (1 of 2) chyzmyz 7:28 14 years ago 973 Далее Скачать
How the US Turned Iran Into a Dictatorship (Documentary) Real Time History 19:01 2 months ago 102 251 Далее Скачать
“It’s Always About Oil”: CIA & MI6 Staged Coup in Iran 70 Years Ago, Destroying Democracy in Iran Democracy Now! 29:52 1 year ago 257 760 Далее Скачать
U.S. and Them: Operation Ajax - Iran and the CIA coup (1/2) Capuchin 7:28 16 years ago 44 517 Далее Скачать
Operation Ajax | TAKEN HOSTAGE | AMERICAN EXPERIENCE | PBS American Experience | PBS 6:14 2 years ago 16 952 Далее Скачать
U.S. and Them Operation Ajax - Iran and the CIA coup 1-2 Dan K Schroeder 7:28 14 years ago 1 608 Далее Скачать
CIA Operation Ajax: Overthrowing Md Mossadeq in Iran, 1953 Ken Schoolland 12:46 2 years ago 145 Далее Скачать
1953 : Did the CIA destroy democracy in Iran? #OperationAjax #ColdWar #documentary Persian History 49:42 2 years ago 9 973 Далее Скачать
64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup The Real News Network 23:25 7 years ago 66 938 Далее Скачать
U.S. and Them Operation Ajax - Iran and the CIA coup (2 of 2) chyzmyz 8:39 14 years ago 684 Далее Скачать
U.S. and Them: Operation Ajax - Iran and the CIA coup (2/2) Capuchin 8:39 16 years ago 29 171 Далее Скачать